
May 2018 Philadelphia Chapter of Pax Christi U.S.A.


Echoes in Purgatory: CPF Retreat 2018 & Advocacy Issues


Marie Scott ,

Retreat Theme: Remember the Prisoners

arrested in 1973 (age 19) and serving Life Without Parole sentence at Cambridge Heights, prepared a presentation on Restorative Justice for the CPF annual retreat.

To listen:

Request a transcript at


Transcripts are also available for CPF Retreat submissions by other women serving LWOP:

Jennifer Rhodes, a poem titled: “Freedom’s Struggle

Freedom’s cry, Voice of Incarcerated Woman”

Sarita Miller, excerpt from her essay, “…I would implore you all to reach out using the internet to search for more real life testimonies of people who thru God’s grace have experienced the blessed power and freedom of forgiveness…”

Heather Lavelle: “I’m the first prisoner to become a Mercy Associate. I must recognize the Mercy I have received and look for opportunities to show Mercy. Mercy takes many forms here. Using my God given abilities and my experiences to help the women around me. Change has to begin within ourselves. We must take responsibility for our lives, which means working toward fixing what's deficient. What keeps us stuck in cycles of addiction and criminality? I love my work. I've never felt more connected to a community in my life. Like my eyes are finally open.” 2018



A virtual life sentence is when people are eligivle for parole but serving excessive sentences resulting in death by incarceration. By Frederick Page BU2238, SCI Graterford, PO Box244, Graterford, PA 19426 – or www.connectnetwork


Keep in our prayers Remember the men at Graterford during this transition stage to the move to SCI Phoenix – the anticipated problems/difficulties with this new prison are causing great concern and distress.


Phoenix’s (formerly Graterford) Gray Panthers


Catholic Peace Fellowship May 2018


  1. Project R.A.W.M. (RELEASING Aging Women & Men)

    Aging Out Resolution

    Our mission is to create an opportunity for the “Aging/Elderly” inmates who are 50 years of age or older and who have at least 25 years or more of being incarcerated in the PA State Prison System to be considered as a candidate for the Ankle Bracelet monitoring program. This would be under the supervision of the City, County, and the State. Prince Christop A. Rivers, III ACTION:

  2. Eliminate 2nd Degree Felony Murder Law (SB293) in PA

In February 2017 Senator Leach introduced: “legislation to eliminate murder of the second degree from Pennsylvania law. Also known as the "Felony Murder" doctrine, a murder of the second degree occurs when a criminal homicide is committed while an offender is engaged as a principal or an accomplice in the perpetration of a felony. In other words, if more than one person is involved in the perpetration of a felony, each person involved shall be held responsible for a criminal homicide that occurs as a result. A guilty verdict for murder of the second degree carries a sentence of life without the possibility of parole.

An example of how this might play out is as follows: Assume two people agree that they will go to a convenience store, and Person A will wait for the cash drawer to open, and grab the cash. Person B will wait outside and drive the getaway car.

Person A goes into the store and, instead of grabbing the cash, pulls out a gun and shoots the clerk behind the counter, killing the clerk. Under current law, Person B would be guilty of second degree murder even though he or she did not kill anyone, and even though he or she had no knowledge that Person A would kill the clerk, or intended to shoot anyone, or even possessed a gun.

ACTION: sign petition: 293-sb293-now?

Contact your State Senator to Support PA SB 293


Catholic Peace Fellowship May 2018